another light blue shape

ER (Engagement Ratio)

A typical engagement ratio shows the percentage of subscribers who have interacted with the post. The formula is as follows:

(likes + comments + shares) / number of subscribers at the time of publication x 100% = 

The only problem with using this metric is that posts are not shown to all subscribers in the social media feed. This can mean that a great post doesn’t receive the exposure it deserves, and due to its low reach the metric will consider the post to not be an engaging one.

As your audience grows, your ER will fall, this has nothing to do with the quality of what you’re posting.

For this we have a workaround called the ER Reach metric.

ER Reach

Unlike the previous metric, this one shows the percentage of interactions with a post relative to the number of your audience that has been reached. The metric depends directly on the involvement of those who saw the post, and not just all subscribers, some of whom will not have seen the post.

For most social networks the formula is as follows:

(likes + comments + saves) / coverage x 100% =

There is a bookmark option on Instagram but no share, so the formula changes slightly:

(likes + comments + bookmark) / reach x 100% =

For Telegram there are unfortunately no likes. Therefore, the metric used for this platform is considered as the ratio of views to subscribers:

views / number of subscribers at the time of publication x 100% =

If the ERR for a Telegram post is above 100% this may indirectly indicate was watched outside the channel. Always remember that views in this case are not unique, so the indicator may be higher than the actual number of people who viewed the post.

The engagement rate of posts can be calculated manually or by connecting your pages to the Pur Social service. We calculate these metrics for all of your posts on your behalf.

screenshot of a collection of things on a desk