another light blue shape

Facebook are launching Reels this September.

Facebook are launching Reels to their mobile platforms on iOS and Android to users in the US. They are bringing the short form video feature that has been extremely successful on Instagram to Facebook to reach even more creators. Teams in the NBA who used the Reels feature of Instagram saw an increase of 22% in fan engagement on their account when compared with the standard Instagram video post.

The discoverability aspect of Reels is one of the most valuable assets for a marketer. Users scroll through the feature and end up finding accounts and content they never would have thought to search for themselves, and now Facebook has joined the party.

screenshot of Facebook reels update
Reels on Facebook: Image: Facebook

Reels on Facebook will assist your content in being discovered on the News Feed, you'll be able to share them to Groups and even share directly from Instagram to Facebook (still in testing phase).

screenshot of Facebook reels update
Reels on Facebook: Image: Facebook

For a full rundown of all the new features that Reels on Facebook will allow you to utilise, click here.