another light blue shape

By connecting Google Analytics, you can quickly count conversions and conversions for posts. If earlier it was necessary to manually add tags to each link, go to Google Analytics and count everything, now Pur will add the necessary tags by itself, collect a report from Google Analytics and show how much traffic and sales were from each post.

New role for the manager - project management

Previously, only the project owner could fully manage the project: connect pages, update access to them, customize templates, etc. This is not very convenient: before starting work, one person must configure everything.

Now you can nominate a manager with rights to customize the project. The nominee will be able to independently connect pages, update access to them and manage the project.

Other updates and fixes


1)    Fixed a bug with the post to Telegram button.


2)    Added the ability to copy replacements in dynamic templates


3)    Improvements and fixes in the interface

screenshot of pur social app